15th Annual POINSETTIA POWER! goes virtual to fund increased demand for Meals on Wheels
The Council on Aging of Martin County at the Kane Center is putting a new twist on a classic with Poinsettia Power! Live Online! The annual fundraiser for Meals on Wheels is going virtual in an exciting, interactive livestream format that will bring the fun and spirit of this beloved event straight to attendees’ homes.
For 15 years, the funds raised by the annual holiday bazaar, luncheon and fashion show have been essential to ensuring Martin County’s low-income, homebound seniors do not have to wait hungry for government-funded Meals on Wheels.
In 2020, the need for home-delivered meals has increased dramatically. In previous years, the Council prepared fresh and hand-delivered roughly 325 meals each weekday. Since March, that number has grown to well over 500 meals per day.
“The COVID-19 pandemic has taken a heavy toll on our seniors,” said Karen Ripper, President and CEO of the Council on Aging. “Meals on Wheels has provided a crucial safety-net for seniors in this community for more than 45 years. This year, we have seen an unprecedented increase in need, not only for nutritious food, but also for the daily wellness check for seniors quarantined and isolated in their homes.”
Poinsettia Power! will stream live online on Wednesday, December 2, beginning at 1 p.m. and can be accessed via computer, tablet, smart phone or smart TV. Erin Guy, anchor for WPBF 25 News Mornings, will return to emcee the program, which will feature special guest speakers, luxury raffle prizes, and, of course, a chic holiday fashion show produced by Rose Meyerowich. Guests can also shop for unique holiday gifts in the online gift bazaar.
Guests will also have the option to enjoy the home-delivery experience of Kane Cuisine, the Council’s restaurant-style meal service.
Tickets are $100 per guest. “Watch Party” Sponsorships are available as well. Hosts can gather a small group of friends at their homes and enjoy the program together while also underwriting additional Meals on Wheels.
“Without the meals, I don’t know what I would do every day, because some days I might not be able to fix or get a meal,” said Vera Hill, a recipient of Meals on Wheels and care management services who is living with Parkinson’s disease. “When they come, I know I’m going to have something hot to eat every day, and I thank them very much for that.”
Supporting Meals on Wheels through Poinsettia Power will help the hundreds of seniors like Vera who depend on Meals on Wheels and other Council on Aging programs to remain safely in their own homes and communities.
Poinsettia Power! is presented in partnership with Anchor Home Health Services. For more information and to request an invitation, visit www.kanecenter.org/foundation/poinsettia-power or call 772-223-7831.