Family Caregiver Workshop Goes Virtual

Family Caregiver Workshop Goes Virtual

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Family Caregiver Workshop goes virtual to support caregivers when they need it most

The Council on Aging of Martin County at the Kane Center had to postpone its 6th annual Family Caregiver Workshop originally slated for April 3, 2020. After months of careful planning, the Workshop is back in a new virtual format that will air live from the Kane Center on Friday, September 11 at 1:30 p.m.

“Caring for a loved one with a memory disorder is never easy, much less during a global pandemic,” said Donna True, LCSW, Program Development and Outreach Coordinator for the Council on Aging at the Kane Center. “Now more than ever it is important for us to be able to offer advice and ideas that caregivers can easily translate into their everyday lives.”

The virtual workshop will feature the real-world tips and tricks caregivers have come to expect from the Kane Center’s annual event in a condensed, ninety-minute version that family caregivers can enjoy safely from their own homes.

This year's theme is 2020: A Clear Vision. Though 2020 has turned everyone’s lives upside down, it is still possible to focus on new ways to embrace the challenges of caring for loved ones with dementia. All of the activities in the program follow the “vision” theme. By the end, participants should have a new perspective and new tools to help them with their day-to-day routines.

Though the audience will be joining remotely, the interactive experience will not be lost. The program will close with a live expert panel answering questions submitted by the audience. Added bonus: The first 25 local family caregivers to register will get a swag bag to be picked up at the Kane Center. Yes, the Kane Center's famous chocolate chip cookies will be included! 

Registration is open now at www.kanecenter.org/6th-annual-caregiver-workshop. Participation is free and open to the public. For questions, call Donna True at (772) 223-7879.

The Family Caregiver Workshop is presented in partnership with Encompass Health Rehabilitation Hospital, Addington Place of Stuart, LifeCare Therapy Services, MorseLife Health System, Palm Beach Neuroscience Institute, Senior Helpers, Always Best Care, Treasure Coast Hospice, Florida Blue and Brain Matters Research. Click here to learn more about caregiver support and training programs at the Kane Center.


The Charles & Rae Kane Center, 900 SE Salerno Road, Stuart, FL 34997

Area Agency on Aging

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