The Charles & Rae Kane Center, 900 SE Salerno Road, Stuart, FL 34997
- Email: Kanecenter@coamartin.org
- Phone: (772) 223-7800
“I didn’t realize the challenges I would face. What I knew and accepted was that I didn’t want to move my mom into a facility that was void of any personal contact and familiar association of her past life, regardless of her awareness. I refused to not be there when she had her moments of cognition and wanted to hug someone or to reach out and yell ‘Why Me?’ and then was alone.”
2017 was a year of continued expansion for the Council on Aging of Martin County across all of our core services. Here are a few highlights.
Today, some of your frail elder neighbors are on waiting lists for food and care.
As a private, not-for-profit organization, the Council on Aging of Martin County receives 68 percent of its funding through government grants. But these grants are never enough to provide all that is lacking for disadvantaged seniors living in our community.
The Charles & Rae Kane Center, 900 SE Salerno Road, Stuart, FL 34997