Program Re-Opening Announcement

Program Re-Opening Announcement

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Council on Aging at the Kane Center Announces Phased Re-Opening Plans for Programs Suspended Due to COVID-19

Throughout the COVID-19 crisis, the Council on Aging of Martin County at the Kane Center has continued to serve the community’s vulnerable seniors through home-delivered meals, primary medical care, free shopping assistance, telephone reassurance and counseling, in-home care, and much more. As Gov. Ron DeSantis rolls out his Safe, Smart, Step-by-Step Plan to reopen Florida, the Council has heeded the recommendation to encourage seniors to remain safer at home. Beginning Friday, June 5, Florida moved into Phase 2 of the plan, which lifts some of the recommended restrictions on socialization for seniors.

In every decision we’ve made during the months of this crisis, ensuring the safety of our clients, members and visitors has been paramount. Those over 65 are still the most vulnerable to severe, life-threatening symptoms if they contract COVID-19. In light of this, the Council is taking a measured, phased approach to reopening the programs that were suspended during the Safer at Home shutdown.


Adult Day Club
A stringent sanitation and infection control policy has been developed for the Adult Day Club that focuses on ample social distancing, continuous disinfection of the facility, and Department of Health and CDC guidelines for preventing the spread of COVID-19. The Club and the Memory Enhancement Center have begun welcoming back members on a very limited basis. All clients and staff are screened on a daily basis prior to entering the center. Capacity for additional Club participation will be predicated on the Council’s ability to maintain these strict protocols and ensure the safety of everyone in attendance. Transportation has not been resumed at this time. For questions about the Adult Day Club and Memory Enhancement Center, please call Crystal Collier at 772-223-7843.

Active Senior Programming
Programs for Active Seniors will resume on a very limited basis through the summer months. Currently, the Council is offering fitness classes and some other lectures and activities virtually. In-person fitness classes are set to resume Monday, June 15 on a limited schedule and limited class sizes to ensure social distancing and ample time for sanitization between classes. All attendees will be screened prior to entering the center. Registration for in-person fitness classes will open at 9 a.m. on Thursday, June 11.

Other programs such as Games & Groups, lectures, classes and concerts are planned to phase in slowly through the summer and fall if we deem it safe to do so. Services such as SHINE and Florida Rural Legal Services consultations remain suspended until further notice. For questions about Active Senior Programs, please call Lisa Bharath at 772-223-7807. To learn more about upcoming virtual events visit www.kanecenter.org/events.

Meals on Wheels and Kane Cuisine
We continue to prepare and deliver more than 500 meals to seniors’ homes each day. We expect this higher demand for meals to continue through the rest of 2020. Any senior in need of meals is encouraged to call 772-223-7826 for information on how to get started.

Volunteers are always needed to deliver meals. We were fortunate to welcome many new temporary volunteers during the shutdown who used their “time off” for good by delivering Meals on Wheels. Many of these volunteers have gone back to their regular jobs, but the increased demand for meals has not gone down. To learn more, please call Curletha Campbell at 772-223-7829.

Case Management and Navigator
Our Case Managers have been overseeing care and services for homebound seniors throughout this crisis and will continue to do so. In addition, our Case Manager Navigator has provided guidance and helped secure essential services for hundreds of seniors throughout this time. We are also still providing free shopping assistance. Seniors or concerned loved ones of seniors are encouraged to call Jeanne Kenney at 772-223-7845 for assistance.

Day Medical Center
The Day Medical Center has continued to provide primary medical care throughout this crisis through telemedicine and office visits (when necessary). New patients are being accepted. To make an appointment, call 772-223-7864.

Counseling, Reassurance and Caregiver Training
Virtual Caregiver Support Groups and caregiver counseling are still available. In-person meetings remain suspended until further notice. Telephone reassurance and counseling for seniors is also still available. Please call Donna True, LCSW, at 772.223.7879 for more information about these services.

We hope to resume caregiver training events and workshops in the fall.


We are all eager to resume a sense of normalcy, but it is important to remember that the threat of COVID-19 is not over. At the Council, we are trying to balance the essential needs for socialization, memory care, health and wellness, and educational and cultural activities for seniors with the risks of the novel coronavirus. We appreciate the loyalty and patience of our clients and members as we continue to navigate these uncharted waters. 

To stay up-to-date on the status of our programs, please visit our website, www.kanecenter.org or call us at 772-223-7800.


The Charles & Rae Kane Center, 900 SE Salerno Road, Stuart, FL 34997

Area Agency on Aging

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