Workshop Offers Practical Strategies to Care for Loved One with Alzheimer's

Workshop Offers Practical Strategies to Care for Loved One with Alzheimer's

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Caring for an elder loved one is one of the most challenging roles a person can undertake, particularly if that person also suffers from physical or cognitive impairments. Though some days these caregivers may feel alone and adrift when trying to keep up with the ever-changing needs of their loved ones, a network of support is available at the Kane Center.

The Council on Aging of Martin County at the Kane Center, together with local elder and dementia-care experts, will host the fourth annual Family Caregiver Workshop: Spring Training for Caregivers on Friday, April 27. This one-of-a-kind event combines an array of hands-on, interactive activities and lectures that focus on helping caregivers put together their game plan for safely and effectively taking care of their loved ones … while also taking care of themselves.

“This is perhaps my favorite educational workshop for caregivers,” said Crystal Collier, Director of Adult Day Health at the Kane Center. “The program offers practical tips that caregivers can put into practice on as soon as they go home.”

Registration begins at 9:30 a.m. The program runs from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Attendance is free and includes complimentary lunch and refreshments. Reservations must be made in advance by April 23 by calling 772-463-1112. Respite care will also be offered at no cost, but must be pre-arranged by calling 772-223-7843. The Kane Center is located at 900 SE Salerno Road in Stuart.

Attendees will learn best practices for handling challenging behaviors; body mechanics and techniques for protecting themselves from injury; when and how to make tough decisions about the best care for their loved ones; how to assemble their “team;” and much more.

The workshop is presented in partnership with the Alzheimer’s Association, Elite Home Health Services, LifeCare Therapy Services, MorseLife Health System and Senior Helpers.

“The Family Caregiver Workshop is a unique opportunity for caregivers to come together and learn from one another and from a diverse group of professionals,” said Laura Zel Kremer, LCSW for MorseLife Health System. “Our goal is to make the caregiving journey easier."


The Charles & Rae Kane Center, 900 SE Salerno Road, Stuart, FL 34997

Area Agency on Aging

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